Terms and Conditions
Last updated: November 06, 2024
These Terms and Conditions of Use govern the rules for using the Sweet Family APP (hereinafter, the APP), which can be downloaded from the domain https://www.sweetfamily.net, the App Store, or Google Play. Downloading or using the APP grants the status of User to whoever does so and implies acceptance of all the conditions included in this document, as well as in the Privacy Policy and the Legal Notice of the aforementioned website. Users should read these terms each time they use the APP, as they may be modified in the future.
Only Users expressly authorized by Javier Campaña Pulido may access and use the APP. Users without authorization cannot access its content.
Charges: You are responsible for all costs or expenses incurred as a result of downloading and using the APP from Javier Campaña Pulido, including any network operator or roaming charges. Please check with your service provider for details.
Anonymous Statistics: Javier Campaña Pulido reserves the right to track your activity within the APP and report it to our third-party statistical service providers. All tracking will be conducted anonymously.
Protection of Your Personal Information: We aim to help you take all necessary steps to protect your privacy and information. Please review Javier Campaña Pulido’s Privacy Policy and the APP’s privacy notices to understand what information we collect and the measures we take to protect your personal data.
It is prohibited to alter or modify any part of the APP or its contents, circumvent, disable, or otherwise manipulate (or attempt to circumvent, disable, or manipulate) security features or other program functionalities, or use the APP or its contents for commercial or advertising purposes. The use of the APP for harming the assets, rights, or interests of Javier Campaña Pulido or third parties is also prohibited. Similarly, any use that alters, damages, or disables networks, servers, equipment, products, and software of Javier Campaña Pulido or third parties is forbidden.
The APP and its contents (texts, photographs, graphics, images, technology, software, links, contents, graphic design, source code, etc.), as well as trademarks and other distinctive signs, are the property of Javier Campaña Pulido or third parties. The User does not acquire any rights over them by merely using the APP. The User must refrain from:
- a) Reproducing, copying, distributing, making available to third parties, publicly communicating, transforming, or modifying the APP or its contents, unless legally permitted or expressly authorized by Javier Campaña Pulido or the rightful owners of said rights.
- b) Reproducing or copying the APP or its contents for private use, as well as publicly communicating or making them available to third parties when this involves reproduction.
- c) Extracting or reusing all or a substantial part of the APP’s content.
Subject to the conditions established above, Javier Campaña Pulido grants the User a non-exclusive, free, personal license to use the APP, limited to the national territory and with an indefinite duration. This license also extends to updates and improvements made to the APP. Such licenses may be revoked unilaterally by Javier Campaña Pulido at any time through notification to the User.
The User is responsible for having appropriate tools for detecting and disinfecting malicious software or any other harmful elements.
Javier Campaña Pulido is not responsible for damages caused to computer equipment during the use of the APP. Likewise, Javier Campaña Pulido is not liable for damages caused to Users when such damages result from failures or disconnections in telecommunication networks that interrupt service.
IMPORTANT: We may modify these Terms of Use at any time without prior notice, without any obligation to you. If you continue to use the APP after any modification of these Terms of Use, your continued use will constitute your acceptance of such changes. If you do not accept these Terms of Use or agree to be bound by them, you must not use or download the APP or any related software.
Your use of the APP is at your sole responsibility. We are not liable for the deletion or inability to store or transmit any content or other information maintained or transmitted by the APP. We are not responsible for the accuracy or reliability of any information or advice transmitted through the APP.
We may, at any time and at our sole discretion, limit or interrupt your use. To the fullest extent permitted by law, we will not be liable for any loss or damage related to such interruptions.
The User agrees to use the APP in accordance with the Law, these Terms and Conditions of Use, and other applicable regulations and instructions. The User will be liable to Javier Campaña Pulido and third parties for any damages or harm caused by failure to comply with these obligations.
These Terms and Conditions of Use are governed entirely by Spanish law. For the resolution of any dispute regarding their interpretation or application, the User expressly submits to the jurisdiction of the courts of Girona (Spain).